About Chokeberry


Black Chokeberry, is commonly known as Aronia Berry, is a small, dark fruits that are native to North America. Traditionally, Native Americans used them as a cold remedy. Chokeberry is low in calories, but high in fiber, vitamin C, and manganese. Chokeberries have strong anti-oxidant capacity, more powerful than cranberry and bilberry, based on ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) study.  

  • Richest natural source of anthocyanins
  • Anti-inflammation property by inhibiting release of pro-anti-inflammatory substances, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-ɑ) and interleukin 6 (IL-6).


  • Liver Health
  • Eye health
  • Protect against Colon cancer
  • Blood circulation
  • Immune system


Recommended dose

100 -200 mg / time; 3 times / day 

Product Form



ChokeBerry extract 35% anthcyanins


100% water soluble  


Test tube study found that 24-h exposure to 50 mg monomeric anthocyanin/ml of Chokeberries extract resulted in 60% growth inhibition of human HT-29 colon cancer cells. 

Malik M et al. (2003). Nutrition Cancer. 46(2):186-96 

Chokeberrie extract were shown to be beneficial in aiding chemotherapy drugs in the treatment of pancreatic cancer.   Chokeberry extract 1 µg/mL in combination with gemcitabine showed apoptosis of the single pancreatic cancer cell line AsPC-1. The study found that the combination treatment was more effective than Gemcitabine alone. 

Thani, et al (2014). Journal of Chinical Pathology. 67(11):949-54

Blood flow of female subjects taking 150mg of chokeberry extract (containing 35% anthocyanins) for 4 weeks has been improved significantly, compared to blood flow before administration. The oxidative stress reaction has been reduced with increased of body surface temperature.